Frequently Asked Questions

You should come forward to report any actual or suspected fraud or wrongdoings (“reportable concern”) listed below as soon as you are aware of it.

• Fraud or Theft

• Bribery and corruption

• Fraudulent accounting practices

• Conflict of interest violation

• Non-compliances with laws and regulations

• Non-compliances with company policies & procedures, including Code of Conduct

• Unethical or improper conduct, including discrimination / harassment

• Health, safety, security and environmental matters

Other reports such as service complaints, operational matters and staff grievances should be reported to your supervisor, relevant Market departments or Group Human Resource for follow-up actions.

The type of information required when reporting a reportable concern shall include:

• Your name and contact details

• Your relationship with Sembcorp

• Names of the people/organisations involved and their relationship with Sembcorp

• The details of the incident (what happened, where, when and how often did it occur)

• Whether management has been notified (if so, whom)

• How you got to know of the incident

• Provide supporting evidence to substantiate the allegations

Step 1 - From the Whistleblowing Portal’s Home page, select “Report a concern” button.

Step 2 - Answer the questions.

Step 3 – Click “Submit”. button. If you did not provide an email address under Step 2, please note down your Report ID and password. The Report ID and password will allow you to retrieve the report that you have filed, respond to the investigator’s questions and provide additional information.

Step 4 - After submitting your report, please visit the Whistleblowing Portal’s Home page to check for new messages from the investigator at least once a week. Select the “Follow up” button and enter your Report ID and password in order to access your report.

At the end of your web-based report, you will be provided with a Report ID and be asked to create a password. You will be asked to visit the Whistleblowing Portal five to seven business days after you make your initial report. At that time and thereafter, you can learn whether any additional information is needed from you to address your concern.

Please provide your email address in the initial report to receive email notification when there are clarification and additional information required from you.

You can use the Report ID assigned to you, and your password, to log into this site. Click on the “Follow Up” button to log into your report. You will be able to edit your report to include additional information.

If you lose your password, click on “Follow up”, followed by “Request for password”. Submit your Report ID.

Our system will send your password to the email address that you have previously provided. Our system will not be able to issue you with a new password if you have either lost your Report ID or have not provided an email address. In this case, please submit a new report for any additional information that you wish to provide.

Sembcorp treats all reported concerns, including anonymous reports, seriously. Sembcorp strives to handle each report with impartiality, fairness and confidentiality.

You are encouraged to provide your names and contact details in confidence, rather than anonymously. However, should you choose to remain anonymous, the Group Integrated Audit’s investigation process and ability to address the concerns may be hindered if you cannot be contacted for clarification.

Sembcorp is committed to use reasonable endeavours, within the limits of applicable laws and regulations, to protect the identity of the Whistleblower, and all persons involved in the investigations of potential fraud or misconduct. The identity of the Whistleblower will be disclosed on a need-to-know basis to the Audit Committee, Whistleblowing Review Committee and Group Integrated Audit, or as required under any applicable law

All persons can report or redirect reportable concerns to the Group Integrated Audit via the Whistleblowing channels. All persons include external parties and employees (Permanent, temporary, contract) working in Sembcorp, including joint ventures and associates where Sembcorp has management control.

Your report submitted on this site will be received by Group Integrated Audit in the first instance.